Bibliographie en Anglais Écoles Tiantai, Tendai, Nichiren Lotus Sutra |
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Buddhist Text Translation Society: The Wonderful Dharma Lotus Flower Sutra with the Commentary of Tripitaka Master Hsuan Hua Translated from the Chinese by the Buddhist Text Translation Society; chap. 14-28 Hurvitz Leon (tr.) : The Lotus Sutra. New York 1976 (Columbia University Press). Records of Civilization: Sources and Studies. Translation from the Chinese of Kumarajiva. Kato Bunno, Tamura Yoshiro, Miyasaka Kojiro (tr.) New York & Tokyo 1975 (Weatherhill & Kosei Publishing). Kern, H. (tr.) Oxford 1884 (Clarendon Press) Sacred Books of the East, Vol. XXI, New York 1963 (Dover), Delhi 1968. Translation from Sanskrit. Kubo Tsugunari, Yuyama Akira (tr.) Revised 2nd ed. Berkeley, Calif. : Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 2007. Translation from the Chinese of Kumarajīva with input from the Central Asian Kashgar Sanskrit manuscript. A télécharger en pdf ou txt Kuo-lin Lethcoe (ed.) Translated by the Buddhist Text Translation Society. San Francisco 1977 (Buddhist Text Translation Society). Translation from the Chinese of Kumarajīva. Sur Internet : Murano Senchu (tr.) Tokyo 1974 (Nichiren Shu Headquarters). Lotus Sutra. Translation from the Chinese of Kumarajiva. Reeves Gene (tr.) Boston 2008 (Wisdom Publications), 492 pp. Translation from the Chinese of Kumarajiva. Includes also the opening and closing sutras Bodhisattva. Soothill W. E. (tr.) Oxford 1930 (Clarendon Press). Abridged translation from the Chinese of Kumarajiva. Watson, Burton (tr.) New York 1993 (Columbia University Press) Translations from the Asian Classics. Translation from the Chinese of Kumarajīva. Sur Internet : |
Dainihon bukkyō zensho 大日本仏教全書. 151 vols. Tokyo: Bussho kankōkai, 1912–1922, DBZ Dainihon zoku zōkyō 大日本続蔵経 ; éd. Maeda Eun 前田慧雲 et Nakano Tatsue 中野達慧. 150 vols. Kyoto: Zōkyō shoin. 1905–1912, Z Dengyō Daishi zenshū 伝教大師全集 ; éd Hieizan Senshūin fuzoku Eizan gakuin 比叡山專修院附属叡山学院. 5 vols. Tokyo: Sekai seiten kankō kyōkai, 1989, DDZ Shintei zōho kokushi taikei 新訂増補国史大系 ; ed Kuroita Katsumi 黒板勝美et Kokushi taikei henshūkai 国史大系編修会, représentés par Maruyama Jirō 丸山二郎. 66 vols. Tokyo: Yoshikawa kōbunkan, 1929-1966 Shishiō zenshū 師子王全集. Tanaka Chigaku 田中智学 (1861-1939). 36 vols. Edited by Shishiō zenshū kankōkai 師子王全集刊行会. Tokyo: Shishiō bunko, 1931-1938. Shōwa teihon Nichiren Shōnin ibun 昭和定本日蓮聖人遺文. Edited by Risshō daigaku Nichiren kyōgaku kenkyūjo 立正大学日蓮教学硏究所. 4 vols. Minobu-chō, Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan: Minobusan Kuon-ji, 1952-1959 ; rev. 1988. Abbreviated as Teihon. Taishō shinshū daizōkyō 大正新修大蔵経. 100 vols. Edited by Takakusu Junjirō 高楠順次郎, Watanabe Kaigyoku 渡辺海旭, and Ono Gemmyō 小野玄妙. 1924-1934. Reprint, Taipei: Xinwenfeng chuban gongsi, 1974. Abbreviated as T.
Chisong fahua jing yi”持誦法華經儀. Author unknown. In Miaofa lianhua jing 妙法蓮華經. Tiantaishan: Tiantaishan guoqing jiangsi fawu liutong chu, n.d. Chōshū eisō 長秋詠藻. Fujiwara Shunzei 藤原俊成 (1114-1204). Tokyo: Kotenbunko, 1994. Chu sanzang ji ji 出三藏記集. Sengyou 僧祐 (445-518). T no. 2145. Da banniepan jing 大般涅盤經(Mahāparinirvāṇa sūtra). Dharmakṣema (Tanwuchan 曇無懺 [385-433]). T no. 374. Da banniepan jing 大般涅盤經 (Mahāparinirvāṇa sūtra). Huiyuan 慧遠 (363-443) and Xie Lingyun 謝靈運 (385-433). T no. 375. Dabei jing 大悲經 (Mahākaruṇāpuṇḍarīka sūtra). 552. Narendrayaśas (Naliantiyeshe 那連提耶舍 [517-589]). T no. 380. Da foding rulai miyin xiuzheng liaoyi zhupusa wanxing shoulengyan jing 大佛頂如來密因修證了意諸菩薩萬行首楞嚴經 (Śūraṃgama sūtra). Attributed to Pāramiti (Banlamidi 般剌蜜帝 ca. 705]). T no. 945. Da zhidu lun 大智度論 (Mahāprajñāpāramitā śāstra). Kumārajīva (Jiumoluoshi 鳩摩羅什 [344–413 or 350-409]). T no. 1509 Ehyō Tendaishū 依憑天台宗. Saichō 最澄 (766 or 767-822). DDZ 3 Enkai jūrokuchō 円戒十六帖. Kōen 興円 (1263-1317). In Zoku Tendaishū zensho 続天台宗全書, edited by Tendai shūten hensanjo 天台宗典編纂所, Enkai 円戒, 1. Tokyo: Shunjūsha, 1989 Fahua jing anlexing yi 法華經安樂行義. Huisi 慧思 (515-577). T no. 1926. Fahua jing chiyan ji 法華經持驗記. Zhou Kefu 周克復 (Qing dynasty). Z 2b, 7. Fahua jing xianying lu 法華經顯應錄. 1198. Zongxiao 宗曉 (1151-1214). Z 2b, 7. Fahua jing yiji 法華經義記. Fayun 法雲 (467-529). T no. 1715. Fahua jing zhuanji 法華經傳記. Ca. 754. Sengxiang 僧祥 (dates unknown). T no. 2068. Fahua sanmei chanyi 法華三昧懺儀. Zhiyi 智顗 (538-597). T no. 1941. Fahua wenju ji 法華文句記. Zhanran 湛然 (711-782). T no. 1719. Fahua xuanyi shiqian 法華玄義釋籤. Zhanran 湛然 (711-782). T no. 1717 Fahua yishu 法華義疏. Jizang 吉藏 (549-623). T no. 1721. Fanwang jing 梵網經. Attributed to Kumārajīva (Jiumoluoshi 鳩摩羅什 [344–413 or 350-409]). T no. 1484. Fozu tongji 佛祖統紀. Zhipan ca. 1258). T no. 2035 Fusō ryakki 扶桑略記. Kōen 皇円 (?-1169). In Shintei zōho kokushi taikei 新訂増補国史大系12. Futsūju bosatsukai kōshaku 普通授菩薩戒広釈. Annen 安然 (841-?). T no. 2381 Gaoseng zhuan 高僧傳. Huijiao 慧皎 (497-554). T no. 2059. Guan Puxian pusa xingfa jing 觀普賢菩薩行法經. Dharmamitra (Tanwumiduo 曇無密多 [356-442]). T no. 277. Guanxin songjing faji 觀心誦經法記. Attributed to Zhiyi 智顗 (538-597) and Zhanran 湛然 (711-782). Z 2a, 4. “Hokke daimoku shō” 法華題目抄. Nichiren 日蓮 (1222-1282). Teihon no. 44. Hokke shūku 法華秀句. Saichō 最澄 (766 or 767-822). DDZ 3 “Hōmon mōsarubekiyō no koto”法門可被申様之事. Nichiren 日蓮 (1222-1282). Teihon no. 70 Hongzan fahua zhuan 弘贊法華傳. Ca. 706. Huixiang惠/慧祥/詳 (ca. 639-706). T no. 2067. Ichijō yōketsu 一乗要決. Genshin 源信 (942-1017). T no. 2370. Jingang bei 金剛錍. Zhanran 湛然 (711-782). T no. 1932. Jingang bore boluomi jing 金剛般若波羅蜜經 (Vajracchedikā). Kumārajīva (Jiumoluoshi 鳩摩羅什 [344–413 or 350-409]). T no. 235. Early printed edition, British Library, Or. 8210/P. 2; digitized photographic edition online at;recnum=18824;index=1. Kaimoku shō 開目抄. Nichiren 日蓮 (1222-1282). Teihon no. 98. Kaitai sokushin jōbutsu gi 戒体即身成仏義. Nichiren 日蓮 (1222-1282). Teihon no. 1. Kaiyuan shijiao lu 開元釋教錄. Zhisheng 智昇(ca. 669-740). T no. 2154. Kanjin honzon shō 観心本尊抄. Nichiren 日蓮 (1222-1282). Teihon no. 118. “Kanjin honzon shō soejō” 観心本尊抄副状. Nichiren 日蓮 (1222-1282). Teihon no. 119. Keiran jūyōshū 渓嵐拾葉集. Kōshū 光宗 (1276-1350). T no. 2410. Kenbutsu mirai ki 顕仏未来記. Nichiren 日蓮 (1222-1282). Teihon no. 125. Lidai sanbao ji 歷代三寶記. 597. Fei Changfang 費長房 (Sui dynasty). T no. 2034. “Li fahua jing yi” 禮法華經儀. Author unknown. In Miaofa lianhua jing 妙法蓮華經. Tiantaishan: Tiantaishan guoqing jiangsi fawu liutong chu, n.d. Li fahua jing yishi 禮法華經儀式. Attributed to Zhili 知禮 (960-1028). T no. 1944. “Lisong qian guanxiang fa” 禮誦前觀想法. Author unknown. In Miaofa lianhua jing 妙法蓮華經. Tiantaishan: Tiantaishan guoqing jiangsi fawu liutong chu, n.d. Liudu ji jing 六度集經. Kang Senghui 康僧會 (d. 280). T no. 152. Miaofa lianhua jing 妙法蓮華經 (Saddharmapuṇḍarīka). Kumārajīva (Jiumoluoshi 鳩摩羅什 [344–413 or 350-409]). T no. 262. Modern printed edition, Tiantaishan: Tiantaishan guoqing jiangsi fawu liutong chu, n.d. Miaofa lianhua jing shu 妙法蓮華經疏. Daosheng 道生 (360-434). Z 2b, 23. Miaofa lianhua jing wenju 妙法蓮華經文句. Zhiyi 智顗 (538-597) and Guanding 灌頂 (561-632). T no. 1718. Miaofa lianhua jing xuanzan 妙法蓮華經玄贊. Kuiji 窺基 (632-682). T no. 1723. Mohe zhiguan 摩訶止觀. Zhiyi 智顗 (538-597). T no. 1911. Naishō buppō sōjō kechimyaku fu 内証仏法相承血脈譜. Saichō 最澄 (766 or 767-822). DDZ 1. Nanhai jigui neifa zhuan 南海寄歸內法傳. Yijing 義靜 (635-713). T no. 2125. “Nanjō Hyōe Shichirō-dono gosho” 南条兵衛七郎殿御書. Nichiren 日蓮 (1222-1282). Teihon no. 38 Nittō guhō junrei kōki 入唐求法巡礼行記. Ennin 円仁 (794-864). DBZ 113 Nyosetsu shugyō shō 如説修行抄. Nichiren 日蓮 (1222-1282). Teihon no. 124 Pŏhwa yŏnghŏm chŏn 法華靈驗傳. Yowŏn 義圓 (ca. 1300). Z 2b, 7 Pŏphwakyŏng jiphŏmki 法華經集驗記. Uijŏk 義寂 (ca. 681-705). Manuscript edition, Tōkyō daigaku toshokan zō: Hokekyō shūkenki 東京大学図書館蔵法華經集驗記 Tokyo: Kichō kotenseki kankōkai, 1981 Risshō ankoku ron 立正安国論. Nichiren 日蓮 (1222-1282). Teihon no. 24. Ruijū sandaikyaku 類聚三代格. Author unknown (mid-Heian period). In Shintei zōho kokushi taikei 新訂増補国史大系 Sanbao gantong lu 三寶感通錄. Daoxuan 道宣 (596-667). T no. 2106. Sange gakushōshiki 山家学生式. Saichō 最澄 (766 or 767-822). DDZ 1. Senji shō 選時抄. Nichiren 日蓮 (1222-1282). Teihon no. 181. Shinjō sōmoku jōbutsu shiki 斟定草木成仏私記. Annen 安然 (841–?). Critical edition of the text and modern Japanese gloss in Sueki Fumihiko 末木文美士, Heian shoki bukkyō shisō no kenkyū 平安初期仏教思想の研究, 523-653. Tokyo: Shunjūsha, 1995. “Shōmitsu-bō gosho” 聖密房御書. Nichiren 日蓮 (1222-1282). Teihon no. 148. Shoshū mondō shō 諸宗問答抄. Nichiren 日蓮 (1222-1282). Teihon no. 5. Shugo kokkai shō 守護国界章. Saichō 最澄 (766 or 767-822). DDZ 2. Shugo kokka ron 守護国家論. Nichiren 日蓮 (1222-1282). Teihon no. 15. Shuju onfurumai gosho 種々御振舞御書. Nichiren 日蓮 (1222-1282). Teihon no. 176. Sōmoku hosshin shugyō jōbutsu ki 草木発心修行成仏記. Attributed to Ryōgen 良源 (912-985). DBZ 24. Song gaoseng zhuan 宋高僧傳. Zanning 贊寧 (919-1001). T no. 2061 “Soya Nyūdō-dono gosho” 曾谷入道殿許御書. Nichiren日蓮 (1222-1282). Teihon no. 170. Sui Tiantai Zhizhe dashi biezhuan 隋天台智者大師別傳. Guanding 灌頂 (561-632). T no. 2050. Wuliangyi jing 無量意經. Dharmāgatayaśas (Tanmoqietuoyeshe 曇摩伽陀耶舍 [ca. 481]). T no. 276 Xu gaoseng zhuan 續高僧傳. Daoxuan 道宣 (596-667). T no. 2060. Yuedeng sanmei jing 月燈三昧經 (Samādhirāja sūtra). Narendrayaśas (Naliantiyeshe 那連提耶舍 [517-589]). T no. 639. Zheng fahua jing 正法華經 (Saddharmapuṇḍarīka). Dharmarakṣa (Zhu Fahu 竺法護 [265–313 or 239-316]). T no. 263 Zhiguan fuxingzhuan hongjue 止觀輔行傳弘決. Zhanran 湛然 (711-782). T no. 1912. Zhongyin jing 中陰經. Zhu Fonian 竺佛念 (fourth century). T no. 385. |
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